The Garrison Tailored Tracksuit

bespoke suit
How to wear Flannel this Season
Garrison Luxury Outerwear

A new innovation done in a stretch knit Boucle, the perfect mix of tailoring and luxury performance.  

The jacket is cut in a bomber style with a two way RiRi zipper.  The pants – a hybrid between jogging pant and a tailored trouser.

Its the new casual luxury: work, evening, weekend.  A piece designed to take you through any event and lifestyle setting.

The Jacket: With a two-way zip, zipping it half way from the top and bottom gets that shape you see in a blazer. Its the track Track jacket worn as your blazer

With a Sport Jacket: Wearing a Sport Jacket Overtop for that added tailoring style. But also as your lightweight outerwear piece. The full look is a mix of tailoring and luxury sportswear at its best.

The Pants: The waistband is done in a classic tailored waistband – coupled with our hybrid (tailoring/Track) Pin tuck, and full track bottom with a gathered elastic opening.

Light blue and black Spring bomber jacket.