remember your first car
that old, beat-up pickup, that two-door hatchback driven well over 200,000kms? Sometimes, the engine would whir a bit too loud, or the clutch would slip, or maybe the right-side passenger door was rather rusty. But, it was your very own car, and it did get you from point A to point B as best as it could. Thankfully, things are now different: you’re in a new phase of your life: a successful man, getting around in a smart, sleek, well-running luxury vehicle – complete with leather seats, top-notch sound system, goes from 0-to-60kms/h in 3.5 seconds.
and, it is customized, after a session of discussing, researching, and consulting to fit your lifestyle:
You chose everything from its colours top to bottom, inside and out, as well as every single special touch. Much like your selection in cars has matured, so has your personal style. Investing in a Garrison Bespoke suit speaks to how far you’ve come since you purchased your first off-the-rack suit, many years ago. The experience is a world a difference.

[sidequote quote=”The bespoke-trade is an art, an English tradition Garrison is proud to carry on”]It is a partnership between a client and a tailor that involves building a relationship before the most important tailoring tool, a measuring tape, is brought out. First, there’s trust to establish, a matter of getting to know each other. When you come into our shop, we’ll pour you a drink, chat, get to know how you live your life, and have a one-on-one consultation session – such things are best done in-person, of course –
so that we can begin to understand what will go into the best-fitting suit for you, your body-type, skin-tone, personality, lifestyle – a “bespoken” garment for you and you alone.[/sidequote]
by using traditional tailoring techniques adopted from around the world
Our goal is to create for you a durable, modern suit. It is important to keep in mind that creating and constructing a bespoke suit requires more time and patience than a usual suit-selection process: everything is done from the ground-up, from scratch, and there are many options and many choices to make. Our expert stylists are here to assist and educate you through the making of your suit. The wait is worth it. (And there’s never any reason to feel overwhelmed, and you’re encouraged to have fun.)

after selecting the perfect materials and cuts for your physique
We get into the numbers-game, taking measurements of your body – shoulders, chest, arms, legs, inseams, and more – in order to hand-cut the fabric for your suit. Then, comes the different techniques, such as cutting/shaping the inner-canvas, pinning everything together, sewing, hand-sewing, fittings, re-sewing, etc. You will not be able to step in Garrison and find yourself with a suit after a few minutes, but in time, you will end up with your perfect suit. This is why patience is a virtue.
Don’t forget: the suit is handmade here, in Toronto;
it can take up to six-months to complete, if it is being
made for an important occasion, plan ahead.
A Garrison Bespoke suit may cost more than what a suit costs at a regular store or tailor, but then again, we’re not a regular store or tailor. Nothing compares to the experience of creating a quality garment that is tailored specifically for you, your body, and your life. All this time and money is invested in a suit that will last you a lifetime. Not only will the craftsmanship of the garment stand the test of time, but extra material in the suit’s lining allows for adjustments if your body changes with time. You will enjoy your Garrison bespoke suit for years to come.