The BlazerSuit. The Same suit worn formally to a wedding and casually as a blazer. Would you wear this suit? Named the Specter Collection we created this for the guy who wants to own one awesome suit in his wardrobe to wear to his own wedding or to attend one, but is practical and needed to create versatility for you to use it regularly given he doesn't wear a suit daily. We are proud to announce we've created it. Developed over the last year and a half from the fabric to the styling and manufacturing specs in partnership with Coppley here in Toronto everything is made special to us here in the #6ix. More details to come shortly upon release! The fabrics we developed and had made special for us in this collection are the perfect weight for a year round suit but are of a unique texture for you to pull them off as a blazer. Styled with a soft shoulder with a crisp Rope at the end, a thick chest piece inside to give it shape, and lower button stance to create that awesome V shape, and a modern but not too short length so you can pull it off casually w jeans.
Made using our exclusive Blazer Suit Collection – fabrics we’ve curated are made special for Garrison are the perfect weight for a year round suit but have a unique texture, jacket cut shorter with Texturized horn and mother of pearl buttons for you to pull them off as a blazer.
This shade of Blue takes us to summer cruises in Italy from Capri and Positano, the color of the ocean ; it creates freshness on a Gloomy spring day but is fresh but still classic for a Monday morning meeting on a warm summer day.
Double Breasted.
Garrison Ocean Blue Double Breasted suit. Cloth has an Oxford weave so made to be broken up as a blazer on its own; unique suit if you don’t wear them all the time and want something different but at the same time versatility is important. @muggsyy
The BlazerSuit. The Same suit worn formally to a wedding and casually as a blazer.
Named the Specter Collection we created this for the guy who wants to own one awesome suit in his wardrobe to wear to his own wedding or to attend one, but is practical and needed to create versatility for you to use it regularly given he doesn’t wear a suit daily.
Developed over the last year and a half from the fabric to styling and manufacturing in partnership with Coppley here in Toronto everything is made exclusive for Garrison.
The fabrics we developed are the perfect weight for a year round suit with a unique texture for you to pull them off as a blazer.
Styled with a soft shoulder with a crisp Rope at the end, a thick chest piece inside to give it shape, and lower button stance to create that awesome V shape, and a modern but not too short length so you can pull it off casually with jeans
Texture. Garrison Amalfi Blue Jacquard Suit with Vegas Yellow ’17 Audi R8 V10 Plus. @audicanada #leagueofperformance